Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday 12th June 2007 - Weather: hot and humid

I arrived at the allotment at lunch time today as I worked all morning. Todays main job was to get the fruit cage netted completely as the redcurrants and goosegogs are all colouring up and I would hate to loose them all to our feathered friends. I splashed out and bought 'posh' netting which is non rot and was folded rather than rolled up and stuffed into a little bag. This net cost £9 a time, and I used 3 in total, but fingers crossed this is permanent now. It all went together much easier than I thought and looks very professional!

I just had time to pick yet another 4Ib of strawberries and my first punnet full of raspberries. That was it. All I really had time for. On the way out of the site I filled my trug with onions as I really want to clear that bed now so I can get the next lot of sweetcorn in and another sowing of salads.

My next visit will be a whole day, next Tuesday. I will then be in hospital having my hernia op on the Wednesday, so really I won't be doing much on the allotment for a while. I will however drag the family up there so they can work and I can boss them around. Fingers crossed I heal quickly and can start pottering again quite soon.


Organic City Garden said...

Hi Emma - my wife, Jo, has recently undergone similar surgery. Please put your feet up and try not to do anything physical at all.

The surgeon had some horror stories of burst hernia repairs due to over exertion too soon after the op!

Jo was driving 8 days after the op (a 4inch repair) to give you an indication. She could lift our 2 year old about 2 weeks after.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!



Matron said...

My sympathies! I imagine that will be frustrating, all that stuff to do in the garden. I re-interate the comments above. Take it easy!

Emma Jane said...

Hi Chris, Mum will be over for a week to 'nurse' me so I will have no excuse but to rest. Interesting to hear about driving. The nurse told me iroing was a no go for a week or 2.....wondering how long I can stretch that!

And yes Matron, it is going to be frustrating not being able to do much, but I am going to do lots of seed sowing and cutting taking and I will just have to make sure I manage the family on the allotment. I am hoping that really it will only be picking that needs doing for a while, so I should be okay.

Thanks for the kind messages - they are really appreciated!