Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday 27th January 2006 - Weather: Everything! Rain, sleet, snow, wind, sun, clouds!

Well today I had to wait in for the new dishwasher to be delivered. I couldn't get hold of the driver to find out what time they were coming, so instead of going down to the greenhouse, I sowed some seeds in the conservatory. Finished off the tomatos and chillis and sowed a packet of dark peach coloured poppies. Also sowed some spring onions in paper pots for planting out in a few weeks time.

The dishwasher arrived at exactly 12noon, so I took advantage of a clear couple of hours and went to the local nursery. They have their seeds spuds in and I was pleasantly suprised. There must have been over 20 varieties like Pink Fur Apple, Nadine, Maxine, King Edward, Maris Peer, Duke of York, Maris Piper and so on. Decided to pick up some Nadine and Desiree. One pound twenty per kilo and you can choose as many as you want. I also picked up another packet of labels , two packets of spring onions and at the check-out, they were selling Hyacinth bulbs for 5pence each! Well how could I resist.

Tonight whilst watching 'Christine's Garden' and 'The Gardening Year' I shall make a stack more paper pots as I have lots of flower seeds to get going.

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